Wilful Blindness 2nd Edition


Wilful Blindness 2nd Edition

Sale Price:$26.95 Original Price:$29.95

Release June 2, 2022

(CSIS) The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service has confirmed that the book was having such an impact on Chinese operations in Canada that the Chinese Ministry of State Security launched an intelligence operation against the author and publisher. What were they trying to find out? You will find out when you purchase your copy of Wilful Blindness The second edtion with over 15,000 words of new information. You will also find out about the Russian Oligarch connections to Canada’s biggest problem.

Money Laudering

Get the book that has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide.

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"In Wilful Blindness, Sam Cooper has shown what security officials have been hesitant to share with Canadians until recently; that Canada is a haven for nefarious national security and transnational organized crime networks and our democracy is at risk".

Calvin Chrustie - The Critical Risk Team - Risk and Security Consultant Senior Ops Officer for Transnational Organized Crime, RCMP (retired)

-- Calvin Chrustie Published On: 2021-03-02

New Book Dives Into Canadian Real Estate, Gangs, Laundering, And Corrupt Officials

The most important book on Canadian real estate you’ll read this year isn’t about demographics or interest rates. It’s investigative journalist Sam Cooper’s new book, Wilful Blindness: How A Network of Narcos, Tycoons and CCP Agents Infiltrated The West. The controversial best-seller outlines how business tycoons and China set out for a power grab 40 years ago. The quiet cities of Toronto and Vancouver played important strategic roles. What followed was a flood of narcos, corrupt officials, and hockey bags of money.

The issue has been occurring in Vancouver for decades, but it only recently became visible. This transition from a place with a discreet underbelly to Gangster’s Paradise happened after the discovery of Canada’s weakness ― real estate.

It turns out tax-free capital gains were more than ideal for money laundering. Since Canada was so dependent on real estate, most officials ignored warning signs. In fact, they actually cheered on the laundering. They even gave local buyers access to greater credit to compete. Over in rural Ontario, buyers now play bidding wars just like they do in big city Vancouver. Adorable, right? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of takeaways from this book ― for all parts of the economy.

Let’s talk about three key takeaways, relating specifically to real estate markets. Opportunity, Or A Well Organized Plan? Cooper’s book is primarily about the global ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). More.....https://betterdwelling.com/new-book-dives-into-canadian-real-estate-gangs-laundering-and-corrupt-officials/

-- Stephen Punwasi ― Publisher Published On: 2021-07-17

“This book reads like a thriller and is stranger than fiction. Gripping, racy and exciting, it is difficult to put down. A tale of gambling, narcotics, tycoons, criminal gangs and Communists. And the shocking part is that it’s not a novel, it is all true.

Based on meticulous research, this aptly titled book exposes the naivety and corruption at the heart of western democracies which for too long have kowtowed to the Chinese Communist Party regime and their crime syndicates and as a result put the free world in jeopardy.

"This book is a wake-up call and a must-read.”

Publishers’ exclusive offer.

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